People Power
Our collective knowledge sharing is critical to education, influence and creating real change.
Here are some ways you can help contribute to a clean ocean.
You can help create healthy oceans full of life, for future generations.
Our marine environment is one that underpins a healthy eco system on earth, and it’s what gets us up every day to continue our mission.
Government and authority inaction means our oceans are pumped with poorly treated wastewater every day, the pipes don’t stop pumping, the negative impacts to our marine environment accumulating day on day.
The power of the people is where we can continue the pressure, to give a voice to those animals who can’t speak for themselves, to have healthy, bountiful, clean oceans.
With you and your support, we can continue to create a better future for generations to come.
Clean Ocean Foundation is a registered environmental charity. All donations above $2 are Tax Deductible within Australia under Item 2, Section 30-15 Income Tax Assessment Act 199.
If you would like to make a larger donation, please feel free to reach out at info@cleanocean.org.
Please donate today for tomorrow’s future.
Join the fight for a clean ocean
If you want to keep up to date on our efforts, learn more about ocean outfalls and hear about how you can get involved - please fill out the form below.
We do ask for some unique information but this is to ensure we can have conversations that are relevant to you.
If you don’t live near the coast, but holiday there, feel free to pop in that postcode.
There's so much to be done to help our oceans and we need all the help we can get!
If you have some spare time, are a whizz at a computer, want to hand out information at events, or have other skills that might be helpful to our mission, please contact us today.
Been unwell after being in waters you think might have been polluted?
Have you ever had a surf and ended up with an earache, had a day at the beach and have gastro?
Clean Ocean Foundation proactively documents incidences where people have experienced health problems that may have been caused by exposure to polluted waters.
This data helps us with conversations with agencies, validating the impacts to not only the marine environment but also our communities recreational use of waterways.
It adds more weighting to Clean Ocean Foundations mission to stop all Australian ocean outfalls, so we can truly have, a clean ocean.